
Do foam rollers actually do your body any good?
Foam rolling was once for professional athletes only. These days it’s hard to walk into a gym without tripping over somebody rolling around on a neoprene tube.Dedicated classes in hip...
Do foam rollers actually do your body any good?
Foam rolling was once for professional athletes only. These days it’s hard to walk into a gym without tripping over somebody rolling around on a neoprene tube.Dedicated classes in hip...
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Asymmetries in Isometric Force-Time Characteris...
Abstract Asymmetries in isometric force-time characteristics are not detrimental to change of direction speed. J Strength Cond Res 32(2): 520-527, 2018 The purpose of this study was to determine the...
Asymmetries in Isometric Force-Time Characteris...
Abstract Asymmetries in isometric force-time characteristics are not detrimental to change of direction speed. J Strength Cond Res 32(2): 520-527, 2018 The purpose of this study was to determine the...
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The influence of fatigue on decision-making in ...
Abstract A potential challenge associated with sports is that athletes must often perform the cognitive processing associated with decision-making (i.e., movement selection) when fatigued. The purpose of this systematic review...
The influence of fatigue on decision-making in ...
Abstract A potential challenge associated with sports is that athletes must often perform the cognitive processing associated with decision-making (i.e., movement selection) when fatigued. The purpose of this systematic review...
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Are there two forms of isometric muscle action?...
Are there two forms of isometric muscle action? Results of the experimental study support a distinction between a holding and a pushing isometric muscle function Abstract Background: In isometric muscle...
Are there two forms of isometric muscle action?...
Are there two forms of isometric muscle action? Results of the experimental study support a distinction between a holding and a pushing isometric muscle function Abstract Background: In isometric muscle...
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Scheduling of Eccentric Lower-limb Injury Preve...
Abstract Scheduling eccentric-based injury prevention programs (IPP) during the common 6-day micro-cycle in Soccer is challenged by recovery and tapering phases.This study profiled muscle damage, neuromuscular performance, and perceptual responses...
Scheduling of Eccentric Lower-limb Injury Preve...
Abstract Scheduling eccentric-based injury prevention programs (IPP) during the common 6-day micro-cycle in Soccer is challenged by recovery and tapering phases.This study profiled muscle damage, neuromuscular performance, and perceptual responses...
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Assessing Muscle-Strength Asymmetry via a Unila...
Abstract Purpose: To investigate the within-session reliability of bilateral- and unilateral-stance isometric midthigh-pull (IMTP) force-time characteristics including peak force (PF), relative PF, and impulse at time bands (0-100, 0-200, 0-250,...
Assessing Muscle-Strength Asymmetry via a Unila...
Abstract Purpose: To investigate the within-session reliability of bilateral- and unilateral-stance isometric midthigh-pull (IMTP) force-time characteristics including peak force (PF), relative PF, and impulse at time bands (0-100, 0-200, 0-250,...
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